Raw mango : Power houses of benefits


Image : Collected

Summer season is going on. As temperatures rise, staying hydrated is a big challenge for overall well-being. Raw mango has high water content which will keep you fresh and hydrated in summer. Moreover, raw mango helps to replenish fluids lost through sweat to avoid dehydration.

Raw mangoes are now available in the market. The price is affordable. A glass of raw mango syrup can bring peace to the whole body during summer. So, drink a glass of raw mango syrup every day to cool the soul and strengthen the body.

Nutritional value of raw mangoes

Raw mango contains vitamin C, K, A, B6, folate and many other nutrients. Raw mangoes are rich in magnesium and potassium. As it is not sweet like other fruits, it has no sugar. So those who are dieting or diabetic can easily eat raw mangoes.

Nutritionists say that both raw and ripe mangoes are good for the body Irrespective of whether the mango is raw or ripe, it has no negative side effects for the body. As raw mango or mango juice contains potassium, it helps to keep the body cool in extreme heat.

Regarding the quality of raw mangoes, nutritionists also say that 100 grams of raw mangoes contain 44 calories of potassium. It also contains 54 mg of vitamin C and 27 mg of magnesium.

Know some more properties of raw mango:

Raw mangoes are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. So you can eat raw mangoes to preserve your age.

Raw mangoes contain vitamin E, which increases the function of white blood cells, as well as helps boost the immune system.

Raw mangoes contain the digestive enzyme amylase, which aids in digestion. This raw mango is very useful in reducing the problems of acidity, constipation and indigestion.

Excessive sweating removes sodium chloride and iron from the body. Raw mango protects the body from dehydration by preventing them from coming out.

Raw mangoes help keep the body cool due to potassium content Due to this, the body sweats less. Fatigue is also removed in summer

Vitamin A is very important for eye health. And raw mangoes are rich in vitamin A. Antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin keep the retina of the eye healthy. And you will get these ingredients in raw mango.

Raw mango contains iron, which is very useful in treating anemia. Foods rich in iron are beneficial for hair and skin.

Many wake up in the morning feeling nauseous. Especially those who are pregnant. Raw mango can eliminate this problem.

Raw mango is a powerful fruit that removes bad breath, treats bleeding gums and reduces the risk of tooth cavities. If you want to have strong and clean teeth, start eating raw mangoes.

Raw mangoes are rich in the essential B vitamin niacin and fiber that promotes heart health. It helps lower cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation and prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Raw mangoes are great for improving liver health and treating liver diseases. It stimulates the secretion of bile acids and increases fat absorption by cleansing the body of toxins.

Many people have the problem of scratching in summer. It is easy to get rid of this problem by eating raw mangoes. Because some beneficial substances present in raw mangoes help to prevent itchiness.

How to eat

The taste of raw mango can bring relief in intense heat. Raw mango sorbet, chutney, mango dal, marmalade, raw mango bharta and other items can be prepared and consumed. Besides, you can make pickled mangoes to eat throughout the year.


As the saying goes, excess of anything is not good. This should also be kept in mind while eating raw mangoes. Consuming raw mangoes in excess can lead to diarrhoea Raw mango pulp can cause mouth, throat and stomach infections if it gets into the mouth and stomach. So be careful about this.


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